Chichi miko install
Chichi miko install

chichi miko install

We posted about it almost a full year ago, and now it is finally released. Anyway, I just wanted to put up a small post about the recently released PS3 and PS Vita port of Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai (俺たちに翼はない) or Oretsuba for short. I’ve been a bit busy with exams lately, and haven’t had the time to post as much as I would have liked to. Whether you consider this important is up to you. This is part of the problem with collaborative platforms like Baka-Tsuki, but it’s not like individual translators aren’t capable of the same. Seems like the first bits are decent, but the rest is bad in both accuracy and fluidity. UPDATE: One of the guys working on the project posted about the translation. You can find out more about White Album 2 at our page for the fan translation. If you want to buy the novel, some instructions can be found on Baka-Tsuki’s page. I’m currently trying this torrent on Sukebei, though I can’t verify it works as it’s not finished downloading yet. We’ll think about getting a pre-patched or at least pre-installed version up soon, but right now you’ll probably have to grab the novel in Japanese. If you want the best quality you can get, you might want to wait a while for editing, QC etc to get finished.

chichi miko install

Be aware that some parts of the script are still considered very rough textwise. To get the latest translation patch, go to Baka-Tsuki’s page for White Album 2 and download the “daily patch”. This should be a fairly self-contained vn, as the sequel takes place three years after the first. Today, translators using the Baka-Tsuki translation platform finished translating White Album 2′s first part, the “introductory chapter”.

Chichi miko install